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Termite Treatment

They are sometimes improperly called 'white ants'. Several hundred to several million termites live together in one family.Their main goal is to work together in an organised system to find and use cellulose food source to produce a bigger colony. Within the colony there are specialised members the workers, the soldiers, the alates (reproductive males and females), the queen, king and the nursery termites.Most workers have light coloured bodies and rarely grow more that 10mm long. They are like a grain of rice. They forage for food all day and all night. They rarely leave the dark tunnels that run from the colony through the soil and into the wooden frames of buildings. They attend to the queen and her brood, nymphs and they groom and feed one another and others in the colony.

Termites are social insects that build large nests in soil, or wood and can cause damage to wooden structures. They are sometimes improperly called 'white ants'. Several hundred to several million termites live together in one family. Their main goal is to work together in an organised system to find and use cellulose food source to produce a bigger colony. Within the colony there are specialised members the workers, the soldiers, the alates (reproductive males and females), the queen, king and the nursery termites.

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